Thursday, August 21, 2008

We are family

I have 2 rainbows groups goin here at school...this week they were on the same day cos my dayz were changed...
the topic of the day was...we are family and about how families are big and small and have stepparents and it went through some other family make ups and then i opened it up to the group and said...what does ur family look like?
there are 7 kids in each group and all 14 kids families looked/were made up differantly...
none of them were a 'traditional' family of mum and dad and kids...
my family was the only one...and im 26...
i guess my eyes are continually opened to the resiliance of children...they are awesome...


Dodgy Pete said...

What's a rainbow group?

Kids are resilient.But at what cost? I spose we will find out what the real consequences of the breakdown of the family unit is in a generation or two's time :)

Becs said...

rainbows is a group for kids...we talk about stuff like divorce and families and being loved and hurts and pain and its kind of like a place they can come and share with other kids goin through the same stuff and they can support each other...