Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Promise from the Creator of the universe!

"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give the desires of thy heart".

When was the last time you delighted in something let alone the Lord?

To "delight" is to rejoice... to revel in the glory of the circumstance. And what better circumstance is there to rejoice in, than that of the Salvation of our Lord?

In the light of all that God has done for us... His death, resurrection, and great Salvation, surely it is not a burden to delight ourselves in Him! And when we do... we are promised the "desires of our heart"! What an awesome promise...

When you find yourself down, and struggling - no matter what the circumstance - start to lift up the name of Jesus, and worship Him in Spirit and Truth! You will be amazed at how the Word comes alive through your praises (it's true: He inhabits the praises of His people!), and the joy of the Lord becomes your strength!

When our focus comes off ourselves and we focus on God, when we delight in Him, He is given the space to move in our circumstance to bring about refreshment and our own delight as he grants the desires of our heart.


Dodgy Pete said...

I hear you. I've been doing it more often and it is great ;)

Becs said...

busted...this was the bulletin cover 2 wks ago...u obviously dont read the bulletin...shame on you and i worked so hard on it...

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah, cool blog :) Thanks for the comment on mine.

Dodgy Pete said...

Why is that busted? You know I never read the bulletin. I usually don't even touch one. It's cause I'm usually on music.

Great job though Sarah ;)

Becs said...

oh i get it now...and im not sarah...who's bec and pete u should read the bulletin...i dont have a reason just that u should lol

Anonymous said...

Sorry :) For some reason I thought your name was Sarah. I think that the last person who found my blog was called Sarah...hopefully I won't call everyone who finds my blog from this day forward Sarah :)

Becs said...

thats kool...pete had a good laugh...i dont really care what ppl call me...i have had some out there nicknames in my time and ppl always call me rachel or ruth (my sisters names) so wrong names dont phase me...