Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Fourth Sign Post

Last night at Connect group we were talking about being/becoming the woman God created us to be and what that women ‘looks’ like as in what characteristics (faith, trust, courage, etc) and what stops us from becoming that women...

I realised that God has created me to be so much more than I allow myself to be...there are three things that stop us from stepping out they are the choices we make, how we see ourselves and the devil...I would also add to these three how we perceive other people see us...often this perception is quite wrong but can be quite crippling.

And so my fourth sign post is to address these things and to actively walk the journey to becoming the women God has for me to be...


Anonymous said...

Hey Bec,
as always, very thought provoking!I do like that fourth point as well. I think that is very true too... we often don't (or do) do stuff because of what others think/see/want... you'd think we'd grow out of peer pressure and others perceptions of us. Not that it is always a bad thing. But if we let it control us, and it stops us from achiving what we should be, well then it is.

Dodgy Pete said...

Proud of you becans. I'll be prayin for you and your journey.

The 3 things you mentioned that hold people back.... I personally wouldn't separate the devil, choices we make and how we see ourselves.

I think the problem arises in letting the devil guide us into the choices we make and the way we see ourselves.

His power is in deception. Father of lies. Your added one also fits into this. How we think others will judge us or see us. It's a distortion and projection of our own insecurities generally.
