Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Life of Significance

Deep down we all desire to be a person of significance. After we’re dead and buried we would like to be remembered by people as someone who had a positive impact in the lives of others. We like to be recognized and appreciated by people. This wanting to be someone special is not a selfish desire, but i believe it is a desire that God has placed in us.In the Bible we see many examples of people following God’s leading and by their allowing God to use them, they become significant. Joseph became significant through his obedience and leadership. Moses also was placed in a situation that prepared him for works of significance. He didn’t always do things exactly as God wanted; however God still used him because his heart was in a right place.Where you are right now and what you are doing might be very different to Joseph or Moses. But each one of us can be used by God to touch people and in some way be a person of significance in the lives of others.

A friend of mine wrote this and i thought it very interesting...

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