Thursday, January 24, 2008

im so bored

thursday night is usually small group night...but its not on so im at home...
i kind of screwed myself into having a boring night cos i went shopping for some new clothes during the day thinking i was goin out tonight and now i cant bring myself to go back to the what does one do?
tv is a nonevent...theres nothing on...that is to say nothing im interested in....
and so i have very quickly found out that missing small group sucks...
anyways i had a swim and now im typing this blog...its still hot...and its still light outside and the time is 8:10pm (im not a fan of daylight savings)
tomorrow i get to go to one of my jobs...3 days a week i am a primary school chaplain and the other two days i work for an accounting 2moro im goin into the office...i actually like it (well all of it except the work), the receptionist is really kool and its a good change from being at school...and 2moro im goin to wear some of the new clothes i bought today...
wow what a load of junk lol
if anyone has read this i applaud you and promise i will write something more interesting in the future...

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